(click on number to call)
We Buy Your Scrap Copper,
Aluminum, Lead, Brass
Fast Collection And Quick
Over the year the price for Scrap Metal can
rise and fall this is due to demand from
manufacturers around the world, usually
during holiday periods demand can fall as
factories may close causing scrap prices
to fall.
For an idea of the rise and fall in metals,
we recommend having a look at the
London Metal Exchange, scrap yard prices
and LME prices will be different by a few
pence per kg.
If for example Copper rises to £5 per kg on
the L M E, then some scrap yards will pay
£4.50 per Kg some will pay slightly more or
slightly less.
If Copper falls to just £4 per Kg on the L M
E, then the some scrap yards will pay
£3.50 per Kg again some scrap yards
slightly more or slightly less.
This can sometimes cause confusion with
customers as they are expecting the same
rates they may have been given the last
time they visited a scrap yard, one
example is stainless steel, that dropped in
the first half of 2013 and still has not risen,
this was due to the nickel price collapsing,
stainless steel is made up of nickel and
other metals this why it was affected.
At Wembley Recycling we do our best to
offer the good prices for your metals, our
free collection service help you stay legal if
you do not have the correct licenses to
carry metal.
We have premises in Wembley where you
can bring your metals, see full details on
our contacts page.
(click on number to call)